The problem

Typical EV premiums run from $1600-$5000+ a year - 19% above the national average. Outlets have gone so far as to name this a roadblock to EV adoption. EVs are safer vehicles to drive, usually equipped with high tech collision avoidance systems, autopilots, tracking devices and other safety features. So why do insurance companies charge higher premium for vehicles that are less risky to insure? We think it’s because carriers do not understand the risk enough to properly underwrite these policies.

The solution

Inspired by Stewart Brand’s Whole Earth Catalog, this digital guide to the best products is a meant to help users curate lists to compare prices and certifications of sustainable brands.

Our mission

We provide insurers with the data they need in order to be able to package the right products tailored to the needs of EV owners at a price that makes EV ownership less costly and more convenient!

Disclaimer: When readers choose to buy from some (but not all) of the listed companies in the catalog, we earn affiliate commissions that support our work.

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